RC Download program
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
Franco Leuzzi [MVP]
2009-06-23 16:14:28 UTC

"Still on the Windows 7 Beta,? You need to move to the RC and fast.
Starting July 1st, the Beta will start to reboot every 2 hrs and expire Aug
Want to download the RC? .
The RC download program closes August 15th.
After that, you won't be able to get the download, but you can still install
the RC and get a key if you need one.
(To get a key, just go to the Downloads page and follow the instructions.)
If you're using the Windows 7 Release Candidate, we hope you like what you
see. Let us know -- go to
and tell us what you think.
You'll be able to give feedback on various aspects of the operating system."

This is now public information.
Please feel free to post or blog about it.

Ciao a tutti
Franco Leuzzi
Microsoft ® MVP
Windows Desktop Experience
2009-06-24 08:43:21 UTC
Post by Franco Leuzzi [MVP]
(To get a key, just go to the Downloads page and follow the instructions.)
If you're using the Windows 7 Release Candidate, we hope you like what you
see. Let us know -- go to
and tell us what you think.
You'll be able to give feedback on various aspects of the operating system."
This is now public information.
Please feel free to post or blog about it.
Come vi ha informato Franco che dovete segnare sul calendario la scadenza
della versione beta di Windows 7 il 1° luglio 2009.
La versione beta di Windows 7 scade il 1° agosto 2009. Preparati
pianificando l'installazione della versione Release Candidate (RC) o di
un'altra versione valida di Windows entro il 1° luglio 2009.
Due settimane prima di tale data riceverai un avviso. Dopo il 1° luglio, il
computer si spegnerà ogni due ore.

Affrettatevi per passare al RC di Windows 7


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